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In the Beginning

Born in Brooklyn and raised in the South Bronx, Jesus Acevedo Jr. originally started out life as a engineer after graduating from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  He headed west to California but realized a "cog in the wheel" existence was what had unfolded and thus decided to call it quits and start life over.  He moved back to NYC to pursue a career in acting.  This led to multiple side jobs ranging from handing out flyers in a tickle me Elmo costume for a strip club to taking photos of tourists in front of the King Kong display on the 86 floor of the Empire State Building.   Nights mostly consisted of attempting a stand-up comedy career that never quite too off and living among the masses in the bowels of Brooklyn.  He began writing when the cats blocked the exit in retaliation of his moonlight absences.  
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